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We love punching above our weight, and we're here to help you do the same.

Meet the Team

Strategists, creatives, analytical thinkers and social media natives; meet your new out-of-house team.

Our Story:

Brandsitters, like many babies, was born as the result of a good bottle of wine.

Our Co-Founders Natalie & Elise had gone to high school together but it wasn't until they were both knee-deep into their corporate marketing careers that they saw a big gap in the market for a digital marketing agency to do more and to do better for established businesses.

Anyway, back to the wine. There they were, at Natalie’s birthday BYO a few glasses deep into a bottle of Countdown’s cheapest red, when one of them blurted out “we should start a business together!” 

One week later, they held their first ‘biz chat’ meeting sitting on Natalie’s bed brainstorming the Brandsitters purpose, vision, name, and logo, and haven’t looked back since.

Brandsitters has now grown into the thriving agency we are today having worked with over 65+ different brands; in over 11 different cities across New Zealand - we know what it takes to grow a business and we want to help you do the same.

Why Choose Brandsitters?

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